Imagine a life you LOVE.

One that is worth living, celebrating and taking a stand for.

It is your choice.


If you are willing to step through your fear and

into the unknown,

I can show you how to find what you are looking for.


Hello, I’m Anaïs Radonich Galvin

My greatest joy is leading people through seemingly dangerous and difficult terrain to discover new worlds. In these uncharted territories, I help you encounter experiences that fundamentally change the way you perceive the world and, more importantly, yourself.

My work extends from the peaks of snow-covered mountains to the deep blue oceans and into the vast expanse of the human mind, with thousands of hours spent guiding people as a dive master, flight instructor, and psychedelic guide. I teach avalanche travel and am trained in ensuring the safety and well-being of those who journey with me. My aim is to provide experiences that push your limits, enabling you to see yourself through new, more empowered eyes.

I am certified to teach travel in the mountains, air, and water, but my expertise doesn’t end there. My formal education in Western philosophies of psychology and trauma has been enhanced by training in various therapeutic modalities, including Somatic therapy, Hakomi, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Beyond the classroom, I have had the privilege of studying with medicine women from diverse lineages in Mexico, learning the profound art of working with plants and ceremony. This unique blend of knowledge allows me to offer guidance that bridges the scientific and the spiritual.

Over the past five years, I have traversed over 12 countries as a single woman, even during the constraints of COVID-19, rigorously exploring travel as a medium for personal and collective growth. The insights gained from these journeys have shaped my offerings, which are a product of a deep love affair with life and a soul’s journey that harmonizes science with spirituality.

The foundation of my work is built on the fundamentals of exploration, navigation, and safe travel, modeled after the scientific process of theory, testing, and experimentation. I believe that innovation, creativity, and the essence of life itself are found beyond the realms of safety and comfort. My approach provides you with a vehicle to explore the unknown and a method to verify its truth in your own life.

In my work, I incorporate wisdom from medicine people, eco-therapy, neuro-anthropology, history, ancestry, and epigenetics. Together, we explore human design, gene keys, and akashic wisdom. This process of transformational travel offers you an unparalleled opportunity for growth, exploration, and ultimately, a profound life change.

Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime.

Imagine a life where you can feel safe in uncertainty, you feel excited by the unknown because you know

who you are and where you are going.

This is when life begins.