Transformational Travel

Armchair, Backyard or Global Destinations

Immersive Experiences that will change your life

These experiences are for you if:

  • You need clarity, life feels confusing and you feel stuck.

  • You are soul searching, life feels meaningless and you keep thinking, ‘I must be missing something!’

  • You are exhausted from trying so hard, you are ready to try something different.

  • You want to bring more joy and pleasure into your life.

  • You want to create a radical change in your life.

  • You want to live fully!

  • You desire to be around like-minded inspired and passionate individuals that are willing to live courageously

  • You have a vision for the future, big dreams and deep desire to bring change into the world. You need help to make the leap or find clarity.

    … Or …

  • You can’t afford to travel but need inspiration and connection.

  • You love to travel, adventure and explore the world AND you want to have a more authentic experience, one that provides growth and expansion.

  • You like a challenge and while getting on a plane to a foreign country is a little scary, you are ready!

  • You want to travel, but don’t have the ideal companion. You just need a little support and don’t know where to begin.

  • You are on a spiritual path, and want experiences that are fun and spiritual!

Backyard Travel

Do you want the experience of travel, the inspiration and the wisdom but not quite ready to get on a plane?

Here are a few ways to travel with me!

Transformational Travel for Enthusiasts

(for those curious souls who want lite-weight use, community connection and a dapple of weekly inspiration - FREE)

Transformational Travel for Explorers

(for adventurous souls who are ready to dive in and receive content to match their path of growth, travel and adventure - $100/mth)

  • Weekly content offerings include:

  • GROUNDING: Guided sound journeys, music, breath/ movement immersive experiences,

  • GUIDANCE: Current reflections framed for spiritual growth

  • INSPIRATION: Guest speakers, global tips, insights and adventure!

This is the very best of travel from your home and travel within.

Global Travel

Chose your trip and send your request!

Please include your preference for all or individual selections. Information and next steps will be sent via email.

Welcome to the adventure of your lifetime!

Want it all?

Travel will change your life and will accelerate your path in ways you can only imagine.

For those on the path, it is the missing link to radical growth.

My mission is to empower travelers on a spiritual journey. By stepping bolding into the world, these immersive experience will also empower you to travel your inner world.

The path of personal growth does not have to hard or painful, nor does it have to be alone. The challenges you face will deliver you to new territory, new perspectives and a new life.

Each experience will contain guidance to and from the country with suggestions for accommodations and unique experiences, practitioners and events.

Each day will also deliver:

  1. Daily Practice

  2. Activation Audio

  3. Playlist for the day

  4. Journal Prompt

  5. Journey Audio

    There will always be a pinch of adventure surrounded by luxurious self care.

What Others Say

Working with Anaïs was on of the best things I’ve every done for myself.
— Amy B
I’m doing things that I’ve never done before! My heart feels free. I couldn’t have done this without you.
— Raymond L
Anaïs helped me navigate the uncertainty and gave me tools to face any obstacles or challenges that life brings and transform them into opportunities for self-reflection and growth.

I am incredibly grateful for her guidance and wisdom.
— Amal K

Your Guide Anaïs


Anaïs has been  helping people overcome their fears, and achieve their goals, for decades. As a scuba instructor, flight instructor and back-country avalanche teacher, she has the ability to expertly guide people through experiences that challenge their very being and sense of safety. It is her skillful guidance that supports the ‘traveler’ in unlocking what they did not think possible: finding new confidence and freedom in their life.

She has traveled 30+ countries starting as a solo traveler at the age of 18, living for 10+ years around the globe including Thailand, Honduras, Singapore, Mexico and now Morocco and Barcelona.

These experiences are designed for you to explore, engage and travel, using the techniques given to expand your awareness and access to your internal world, empowering deep transformation and spiritual growth.

By traveling intentionally, you will accelerate your process. learning every day more about your internal world and how it interfaces with the external. This is where the magic happens and is the unlock to creating a new reality from the inside out.

One that is inspired by the possibility of life, the joy of connection and the power of global community.

When we travel, inside and out, this is what is possible.


Reprogram Neural Pathways


Create Happiness, Joy & Peace

As we become more present, we start to see our past patterns, the resulting behaviors and actions. This is where we can take action and build new neural pathways that support a life we desire.


Reconnect with your Purpose & Passion

Access Flow & Creativity

As we become more aligned with ourselves, our energy increases as does access to joy, creativity and inspiration. It is from here that we access our greatest potential and flow states. It is from this place that we can design the reality we desire.


Unlock Power & Possibility


A life worth living …

The intimacy of travel, reminds us that there is so much more in the world. When we start to feel and live again, we want to take care of the home we have. It ignites and passion that is guided by purpose. Transformational travel illuminates this path.